My fellow Americans, tyranny is afoot within our beautiful and awe-inspiring Republic. It is a tyranny constructed in a sweeping size and scope, surgically and methodically altered from its actual devilish appearance as to not be figured out within its own plans, and it is a tyranny which has never been witnessed in our lifetimes. It gains power in darkness, a darkness not of night but of comprehension.
Brothers and Sisters, we have become complacent in our own roles, each as individual stewards of our lasting Republic and also in recognizing cloaked and cunning tyranny from within our own borders. We have failed miserably to comprehend evil even amongst ourselves, and it is now a perilous concept to even speak out against this immediate threat for fear we lose our own lives. We must act now and act with heartfelt purpose.
“We have failed miserably to comprehend evil even amongst ourselves, and it is now a perilous concept to even speak out against this immediate threat for fear we lose our own lives.”
The following words I share are not to upset you. I share them as history observed, humanity monitored, and with an understanding that incomplete people do move to enact disastrous and horrible things. And I only hope these words can stoke fires of awareness deep within each one of us.
Attacking a nation still recovering from collective trauma is cowardly, yet our fires can be stoked once again with the love and understanding of each other. We must do that now.
- T.F. Smith
The Soviet Union dissolved on December 26, 1991, and Vladimir Putin has been executing a plan of revenge ever since—a plan to destroy the United States at all costs and from within—and to then take the remains of the United States for a new Soviet Union, remains that do include the integration of American citizens into a new Soviet state that is even more geographically secure than their present, is already equipped with the world's greatest military arsenal, and already possesses an angry, brainwashed, in-country army who has pledged their very lives to his future top General, Donald J. Trump—a General who, if elected as the US president, could order that very MAGA army to commit the most insane, atrocious, horrific acts you could ever imagine and do it with total immunity thanks to the bought-and-paid-for insurrectionists currently sitting on the United States Supreme Court. And that's just the very start considering Trump's age. He is, after all, just a very old skeleton key to the locked door of American democracy. Vladimir Putin is reaching for that key.
“Donald J. Trump who, if elected as the US president, could order that very MAGA army to commit the most insane, atrocious, horrific acts you could ever imagine and do it with total immunity thanks to the bought-and-paid-for insurrectionists currently sitting on the United States Supreme Court.”
Vladimir Putin has played the long game and has played it well—a game that most chess players would be in awe over. A once high-ranking KGB agent, he's no doubt read Dostoevsky and found him trite, with little to offer the world, compared to his beloved, failed, ideal, dictatorial regime that once ruled the USSR. But that's what Vladimir Putin, a Cold War relic, a man hanging on to something that has dissolved into history, is out to prove—the long game can outsmart and outwit the American people. We need to be continuously asking ourselves why the majority of Republicans in this country are pro-Russia right now.
Vladimir Putin is old. He cannot physically fight the battle. He cannot now physically toss people out of windows—although every fiber of my being tells me that he has done just that and unmistakably enjoyed it. So, what does a dictator do for revenge? What does a dictator, one who is now over seventy years of age, do to seek revenge on the most prosperous country in the world, one who was a key player in the fall of his ideal communistic and dictatorial society? He sets into motion the chess game of his life.
Whether Putin has dirt on Trump, or whether they came to a mutually beneficial agreement, is a moot point in this current scenario because the scenario is currently here and now. We're in it. It's happening whether we want to have the bravery and understanding to see and acknowledge it or not. The point is that we're at this very moment in American history, a moment our former military leaders, intelligence officers and field agents, and top national security officials all warned us about for decades.
“We need to be continuously asking ourselves why the majority of Republicans in this country are pro-Russia right now.”
And the most frightening aspect of it all is that the American people are so completely unaware of what is happening to them. They're distracted by the rhetoric. They're distracted by the twenty-four-hour news cycle. They're distracted by the hundreds of available channels they can flip through and use to forget about the world around them. They're distracted by petty arguments on social media sites. They're distracted by the proxy war Russia is fighting against Ukraine, something that drains American money at home, money it could use to defend itself against Putin's actual grand plan against the United States, and it gives Americans something to fight over and divide themselves over, something Putin so desperately needs to do. They're distracted by gender. They're distracted by what people do in the privacy of their own bedrooms. They're distracted by the misinformation and disinformation churned out by Putin's current regime—which currently includes paid American social media influencers—flooding the Internet in a non-stop onslaught to confuse even the most intelligent American citizens. They're distracted by fighting with each other instead of opening their eyes to the clear and present, existential threat directly before them, one they never thought could ever be possible within their own borders.
Electing Donald J. Trump to the White House for a second term is the last key moment in Vladimir Putin's plan to end the United States of America.
Some will ask, “Well, why didn't he just use his first term to take over?”
As CNN's Harry Enten put it in January of 2021, “The Trump-led Republican Party suffered historic losses on the federal level in a short four-year span that has rarely, if ever, been duplicated in modern American history.”
The American people fully rejected Trumpism which, by extension, is a form of Nazism. They made their voices heard at the polls where it mattered and rejected it.
As Norman Cohn wrote in a piece for PBS, “In the 20th century, those of us who are not Communists or Nazis, people who (in the broad sense of the word) belong to the liberal, democratic tradition, find something very strange in these creeds. And the more they look at them, the stranger they appear.”
We speak today of Trump and his running-mate as, “Weird.” That's because they are weird. They are strange—perhaps not for those who were alive in the middle-ages, but in a modern world they are absolutely bizarre.
“Americans are distracted by fighting with each other instead of opening their eyes to the clear and present, existential threat directly before them, one they never thought could ever be possible within their own borders.”
American Nazis—and that’s such a strange term to even attempt to comprehend—tend to get a bit confused when they glance at history—and I say 'glance' because none of them actually study it thoroughly enough or with any actual through-line to any comprehensive understanding—because when they look back and see that the Soviet Union fought along side of the United States to defeat Adolf Hitler, they somehow, very mistakenly, comprehend that to mean Russia is somehow a friend to America. Yet, that couldn't be further from the truth, especially not the version of Russia that Vladimir Putin developed in. Former top KGB agent Putin's new version of Russia, a variant and continuation of the USSR he grew up in, is as frightening as those middle-ages mentioned before—one where protesters are jailed and murdered, where political rivals mysteriously end up dead, where even opening your mouth to speak out freely against the government can make you utterly disappear from the face of the planet. This is Putin's version of America, and now (by proxy) it is also Trump's.
Let's not fool ourselves and pretend we're not battling against a new form of Nazism. That's exactly what we are fighting against in this very moment as Trump, a historically racist human, if elected is currently threatening to declare martial law, threatening to give police full immunity—much like the actual secret police of Nazi Germany known as the Gestapo, threatening to deport immigrants by the millions, threatening to jail political rivals without trial, and so on, and so on, and so on. Sounds very familiar, doesn't it? It sounds like Nazi Germany. It sounds like Putin's Russia. Because it's both.
Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers did not go to perilous war with Nazis for us, as proud citizens of the United States, to let tyrannical dictators take over our beloved nation. And these Nazis, the ones we're dealing with today, the ones who are all around us in our everyday lives, aren't our grandfathers' Nazis. At least those Nazis had the true audacity to call themselves Nazis. They owned that title.
These Nazis, individually, here and now, are weak, frightened, and small, wearing masks and hoods, hiding themselves inside their outward hate, ashamed of who they are because they are so angry at themselves for not being able to understand real love and acceptance and forgiveness and hope. But in a large group, say, millions receiving marching orders from a Donald J. Trump, they will utterly destroy absolutely everything in their path, all over this beautiful country that we hold so dear, without having to answer to a Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the Secret Service, and answer only to their General Trump and their Dear Leader, Vladimir Putin.
“Let's not fool ourselves and pretend we're not battling against a new form of Nazism.”
In what may be the only debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, when asked who he hopes will win the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Trump couldn't even denounce Russia—and on live television, in front of a global audience. He is beholden to Vladimir Putin, and it only becomes more and more clear as our nation moves closer to the election. Later on, Trump literally telegraphed a frightening possible path should he not be elected, “Nuclear war,” he screamed. Nuclear war—a last resort should Putin's clandestine efforts to take America for Russia through Trump fail. I do hope our nation's top security officials were watching, taking note, and remembering that some of those very documents he stole had nuclear secrets in them.
It is extremely unfortunate that so many unwilling Americans have been taken advantage of through all of this. They've been radicalized against their will, against their very own consciousness, and are now beholden to a tyrant without even realizing it, without even having the slightest comprehension of what has happened to them. These people, these poor lost souls, were our neighbors, our friends, our families, our military members, our police officers, our countrymen. None of them deserved this, but they opened themselves up to it. Now, if you're having trouble grasping just how this could have happened, or how it could ever be undone, should we win the day, go read about the Allied initiative of 'denazification' following World War II. (Link:
It is imperative to note that some of your current and past elected officials were, and are, willing participants in this attempt to destroy the United States, and it's now rather obvious who they are. Look at the Trump loyalists. And also look to the media personalities still defending the man's constant reiteration of straight Russian propaganda talking points. This deadly and devious plan is thorough and has infected every single part of our daily lives.
“They've been radicalized against their will, against their very own consciousness, and are now beholden to a tyrant without even realizing it, without even having the slightest comprehension of what has happened to them.”
This Russian MAGA army is already in place should Trump win the election, and it will utterly crush this country with no oversight given the opportunity. It is up to us to stop it. It is our responsibility as stewards of our great nation to recognize this true threat to American democracy for what it is: a decades-long plan devised by an adversarial tyrant, using a very willing Donald Trump, to destroy the United States once and for all. As they say, “It's always darkest before the dawn.” We must stand strong together, united, to protect each other and the very foundations of our democracy.
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